Portland Stone Limestone


Description: Creamy/off-white limestone with evenly distributed fossils and grey shell fragments, whose size and concentration may vary.

Finishes: Honed, sawn and custom finishes

Applications: Portland Stone has been the traditional London paving stone for 200 years, even to this day. Its physical strength, carving ability and lightness in colour have also encouraged its use in domestic, commercial and institutional buildings as flooring and staircases.

Formats: Tiles and cut-to-size

Properties: Properties vary depending on the base. Portland basebeds, although stronger, are less durable. Higher saturation coefficient and salt crystallisation results indicate that if these stones are continually saturated and salt crystallisation is present, then damage to the surface could occur.

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Description: Creamy/off-white limestone with evenly distributed fossils and grey shell fragments, whose size and concentration may vary.

Finishes: Honed, sawn and custom finishes

Applications: Portland Stone has been the traditional London paving stone for 200 years, even to this day. Its physical strength, carving ability and lightness in colour have also encouraged its use in domestic, commercial and institutional buildings as flooring and staircases.

Formats: Tiles and cut-to-size

Properties: Properties vary depending on the base. Portland basebeds, although stronger, are less durable. Higher saturation coefficient and salt crystallisation results indicate that if these stones are continually saturated and salt crystallisation is present, then damage to the surface could occur.

Description: Creamy/off-white limestone with evenly distributed fossils and grey shell fragments, whose size and concentration may vary.

Finishes: Honed, sawn and custom finishes

Applications: Portland Stone has been the traditional London paving stone for 200 years, even to this day. Its physical strength, carving ability and lightness in colour have also encouraged its use in domestic, commercial and institutional buildings as flooring and staircases.

Formats: Tiles and cut-to-size

Properties: Properties vary depending on the base. Portland basebeds, although stronger, are less durable. Higher saturation coefficient and salt crystallisation results indicate that if these stones are continually saturated and salt crystallisation is present, then damage to the surface could occur.

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